Product Creation





30 Lessons

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Product Creation

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Overview of creating a product

Video lesson

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Deciding on the product

Video lesson

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Looking at what products sell

Video lesson

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How to plan the funnel

Video lesson

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Costs for quick products

Video lesson

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What are JV's and why are they important

Video lesson

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What are jv pages

Video lesson

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What makes a good jv page

Video lesson

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What You should add to a JV page

Video lesson

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Where to look for JV's

Video lesson

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How to approach Jv's

Video lesson

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Recruiting your top ten

Video lesson

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How to keep your JV's onside

Video lesson

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Launch day with jv's

Video lesson

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All about copy and sales pages

Video lesson

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Copy and who is your audience

Video lesson

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Creating your value offer

Video lesson

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Getting the price right

Video lesson

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How long should the copy be?

Video lesson

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Creating a split test of the launch page

Video lesson

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Explain your product well

Video lesson

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Benefits to the user

Video lesson

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You must have scarcity on for a launch

Video lesson

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Build in trust with testomonials

Video lesson

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Making the page mobile friendly

Video lesson

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Talking about the Pixal launch

Video lesson

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More information about the Pixal launch

Video lesson

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More about the Pixal launch

Video lesson

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More about the Pixal launch offer

Video lesson

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Last video on Pixal case study

Video lesson


About the teacher

Richard Fairbairn

Richard Fairbairn has been an online entrepreneur since 1996 and has generated millions of dollars online. As an affiliate marketer, he generates 1000's of sales per month and regularly dominates affiliate campaigns.

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